Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Melbourne Sports Museum

The Australian Coat of Arms

Made 1908 but a new design was granted by Royal Warrant by King George V in 1912. the coat of arms was to be used on 'upon Seals, Shields, Banners, or otherwise according to the Laws of Arms'.

The Australian Coat of Arms are the property of the Commonwealth of Australia. It used by the Commonwealth of Australia to authenticate official documents, to indicate ownership of property, and for purposes of identification. It is illegal to reproduce or use on any other forms for other purposes without permission.

A common and incorrect assumption is that the Commonwealth Arms are the Commonwealth Crest.

The Australian Coat of Arms consists of:
– The badges of the six states of the Commonwealth are placed on a shield- Two rows and three columns. The six states badges are: (top left - right) New South Wales golden lion passant on the red St Georges Cross on a silver background, Victorias white southern cross beneath an Imperial crown on a blue background, Queensland's light blue Maltese cross with an Imperial crown at its centre on a white background, South Australia's the white-backed magpie with wings out on a yellow background, Westerns Australia's black swan swimming on a yellow background and Tasmania's red lion passant on a white background.
– The shield is borders by an ermine border, signifying the federation of all six states of the Commonwealth.
– A seven pointed start on a blue and gold wreath. Seven points representing the states and territories.
– Supporting the shield by two native animals is, the kangaroo on the left and the emu on the right.
– Usually the wattle leaves are included and a scroll with 'Australia' under the shield. These factors can not be included of the coat of arms.

The coat of arms consists highly of the design principle balance. Its very central and almost symmetrical. There is high detail to the design. Its colours are very native to Australian culture- green and yellow. There is too a sense of stability with the shield being supported by the two animal on either side and the animals themselves are supported by a wattle branch as it seems. Its comes from the Federation/ Australiana period, keeping to the old traditional times of crests and coat of arms where to represents ones place, heritage or country.

The coat of arms depicts a slice of history, can be be easily recognised globally and represents Australia as a united Commonwealth. The traditional style gives great detail and character to the design. The coat of arms represents Australia in sports as the countries emblem/logo. It is present in uniforms such as blazers, hats and shirts. Also appears on medals and flags.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Critiquing Tools

Art Vocabulary List

Middle Ground: The middle area before the foreground and background of a painting/drawing/photograph. Also called middle distance.

Monumental: Something of large scaled. Impressive, enduring and sturdy- like a monument. A monumental object or effect is also something of great significance- an obvious or large focus of the painting/drawing/photograph.

Idealized: Is something thats ideal. Ideal is an object or idea thats perfect- your ideal date. To idealization is perfection/above the ordinary/glorified.

Converging lines: Lines that move towards one another or meet at a point. Can be solid or implied lines.

Palette: Can be the literal palette that is a board or surface on which paints are mixed and placed upon when painting. Or can refer to the range of colours used in a piece of art- painting/drawing/photograph. Such as a warm palette would consist of yellows, reds, oranges

Adjective List

Line- Passive Subtle or a non violent show of lines. They could be soft, pale or close to non existent.

Colour- Chiaroscuro: A technique using light and shade to create a pictorial three-dimensional drawing/painting. Usually shown as a monochromatic painting/drawing only using light and shade. Woodcut print uses this technique.

Shape-  Amorphous: Lacking a definite form or shape. Being shapeless.

Texture- CGI: A computer generated image or imagery.

Tone- Undertone: A pale/faded/subdued colour. Can also be seen under or through another colour (underlining tone).

Principles & Elements of Design List

Line: Line is a singular stroke that never meets. Can very in weight and length. Can also be curvy, wavy, straight or jagged.

Colour: Colour is perceived through might. With light there is colour, with out there is not. There are colour group and combinations. Basic ones are - primary colours: red, blue and yellow & secondary colours: green, orange and purple.

Shape/Form: Shape/form can relate to any 2D or 3D object. Shape mainly relates to flat objects- squares, triangles and circles. Form relates to the three dimensional objects such as sculptures.

Texture: Texture relates to the feel of art work or object. You have tactile texture which is physical texture i.e something bumpy or rough. Visual texture which is where something appears to have texture i.e an image of a echidna looks spiky.

Tone: Tone refers to the shade of an object. Its highlights, shadows and mid tones help create tonal depth.

Stability: Stability is where a layout appears to be steady/in position/or evenly balanced. Generally boxed in or heavy/large objects down the bottom of the layout with smaller/lighter objects on top.

Rhythm: A repetition of objects occur- a pattern. It can also appear to have movement in the piece.

Scale: Size of the object- large or small, or its space/lack of around it. Can also relate to its size and proportion to other objects.

Dynamic: Something being loud or vibrant. Objects leading of the page. A layout consisting of energy.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Greek Mythology - Titans

Greek Mythology- Titans
By Phoebe Kate Dunn

The Titans are known as the elder gods that ruled the earth in the Golden Age. They descend from the Gaia and Uranus. There is mainly two generations of the Titans- the first generation consists of 12 Titans, the second generation consisted mostly of their own children. The leader/ruler of the Titans is Cronus. Most relationships and partnership of the Titans was with other Titans or with creatures.
The Titans are generally related to planets or elements.

The 12 main Titans are:
Oceanus (Okeanos)

The Titans are associated as large, gigantic creatures creating the word 'Titan' to be associated with anything large. Some say the word 'Titan' comes the Greek meaning of signifying white earth/clay. Therefore leading to the theory that the Titans were 'white clay men'- or men covered in white earth/clay.

One of the Titans is called Phoebe. Her name means light and Phoebe is a Titaness of the Moon. Ironically there is a Moon orbiting the planet Saturn called Phoebe. Phoebe married her brother Coeus and became the mother of Leto (Mother goddess/Goddess of fertility) and Asteria. In turn she became the grandmother of Apollo (god of youth, music, prophecy, archery and healing. Also known as Pheobus Apollo), Atremis (Virgin goddess of childbirth and of wild animals) and Hecate (Goddess of the crossroads or trivia). Phoebe was told to be of possession of the oracle of Delphi before she passed it on to Apollo. Her symbol is of the moon goddesses symbol- full moon with two new moons on each side (as seen image above).

The story of the Titans is that they ruled the Earth from Othyrys and created mankind. The downfall of the Titans came from the second generation of younger gods. These gods became the Olympians. Zeus being the leader of the Olympians is the son of Cronus. The war of the Titans was started from the murder of Dionysus. The infant Dionysus was to be the next in line for the throne passed on from Zeus (also Zeus's son). The Titans decided to capture Dionysus, dismember his body and boil & roast his body then devour him. This enraged Zeus, him and his allies set an attack on the Titans. It is said that Zeus defeated the Titans with his thunderbolts and from the ashes and blood of the Titans, mankind was born. Those Titans that survived were bound and imprisoned in Tartatus.

Titans in modern time has been used in great strength and size of certain objects - things to 'titanic' proportion. The most recognisable symbol of the titans is a man bearing/holding the world upon his shoulders.
The word Titan is associated with large objects such the Titanic, the giant predatory bird Titanis Walleri.
Titan has influenced the science world as well with the element Titanium.
Most of Saturns Moons are named after Titans.

Evidence of the Titans in modern day scenario is visible in alot of sports: NFL's Tennessee Titans, Gold Coast Titans and the Torrington Titans.
Also in fiction Titans have played a strong influence in todays times. The fiction/adventure novel 'Percy Jackson & the Olympians has Titans appearing regularly in the story line. Comic & Cartoon Industry has multiple comics on the Titans as individuals or even as its own new image 'Teen Titans' (DC) and cartoon series 'Class of the Titans' (Studio B & Nelvana Productions).

List of Sports Titans could be associated with:

  • Football
  • Rugby
  • Basketball


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Goals

As a graphic design student at Holmesglen Tafe my goals are to reach for the stars and nothing less. I would love to be involved in the tech side of graphics design but also the illustrative side. 

My whole life I've been a drawer/artist and would love to continue in that. Being published in the design magazines I collect is my ultimate goal- Curvy, Juxatpoz, Empty etc
Making connections is important as well and I wish to make as many as possible. Getting involved with different designers and people will only benefit myself and my future. 

My short term goals is to push for this year, last year so gotta give it my all and push my skills. My long term goals is to get my foot in a design industry, build up my experience then maybe go off on my own as a free lancer designer & illustrator.