Art Vocabulary List
Middle Ground: The middle area before the foreground and background of a painting/drawing/photograph. Also called middle distance.
Monumental: Something of large scaled. Impressive, enduring and sturdy- like a monument. A monumental object or effect is also something of great significance- an obvious or large focus of the painting/drawing/photograph.
Idealized: Is something thats ideal. Ideal is an object or idea thats perfect- your ideal date. To idealization is perfection/above the ordinary/glorified.
Converging lines: Lines that move towards one another or meet at a point. Can be solid or implied lines.
Palette: Can be the literal palette that is a board or surface on which paints are mixed and placed upon when painting. Or can refer to the range of colours used in a piece of art- painting/drawing/photograph. Such as a warm palette would consist of yellows, reds, oranges
Adjective List
Colour- Chiaroscuro: A technique using light and shade to create a pictorial three-dimensional drawing/painting. Usually shown as a monochromatic painting/drawing only using light and shade. Woodcut print uses this technique.
Shape- Amorphous: Lacking a definite form or shape. Being shapeless.
Texture- CGI: A computer generated image or imagery.
Tone- Undertone: A pale/faded/subdued colour. Can also be seen under or through another colour (underlining tone).
Principles & Elements of Design List
Colour: Colour is perceived through might. With light there is colour, with out there is not. There are colour group and combinations. Basic ones are - primary colours: red, blue and yellow & secondary colours: green, orange and purple.
Shape/Form: Shape/form can relate to any 2D or 3D object. Shape mainly relates to flat objects- squares, triangles and circles. Form relates to the three dimensional objects such as sculptures.
Texture: Texture relates to the feel of art work or object. You have tactile texture which is physical texture i.e something bumpy or rough. Visual texture which is where something appears to have texture i.e an image of a echidna looks spiky.
Tone: Tone refers to the shade of an object. Its highlights, shadows and mid tones help create tonal depth.
Stability: Stability is where a layout appears to be steady/in position/or evenly balanced. Generally boxed in or heavy/large objects down the bottom of the layout with smaller/lighter objects on top.
Rhythm: A repetition of objects occur- a pattern. It can also appear to have movement in the piece.
Scale: Size of the object- large or small, or its space/lack of around it. Can also relate to its size and proportion to other objects.
Dynamic: Something being loud or vibrant. Objects leading of the page. A layout consisting of energy.
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