Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Greek Mythology - Titans

Greek Mythology- Titans
By Phoebe Kate Dunn

The Titans are known as the elder gods that ruled the earth in the Golden Age. They descend from the Gaia and Uranus. There is mainly two generations of the Titans- the first generation consists of 12 Titans, the second generation consisted mostly of their own children. The leader/ruler of the Titans is Cronus. Most relationships and partnership of the Titans was with other Titans or with creatures.
The Titans are generally related to planets or elements.

The 12 main Titans are:
Oceanus (Okeanos)

The Titans are associated as large, gigantic creatures creating the word 'Titan' to be associated with anything large. Some say the word 'Titan' comes the Greek meaning of signifying white earth/clay. Therefore leading to the theory that the Titans were 'white clay men'- or men covered in white earth/clay.

One of the Titans is called Phoebe. Her name means light and Phoebe is a Titaness of the Moon. Ironically there is a Moon orbiting the planet Saturn called Phoebe. Phoebe married her brother Coeus and became the mother of Leto (Mother goddess/Goddess of fertility) and Asteria. In turn she became the grandmother of Apollo (god of youth, music, prophecy, archery and healing. Also known as Pheobus Apollo), Atremis (Virgin goddess of childbirth and of wild animals) and Hecate (Goddess of the crossroads or trivia). Phoebe was told to be of possession of the oracle of Delphi before she passed it on to Apollo. Her symbol is of the moon goddesses symbol- full moon with two new moons on each side (as seen image above).

The story of the Titans is that they ruled the Earth from Othyrys and created mankind. The downfall of the Titans came from the second generation of younger gods. These gods became the Olympians. Zeus being the leader of the Olympians is the son of Cronus. The war of the Titans was started from the murder of Dionysus. The infant Dionysus was to be the next in line for the throne passed on from Zeus (also Zeus's son). The Titans decided to capture Dionysus, dismember his body and boil & roast his body then devour him. This enraged Zeus, him and his allies set an attack on the Titans. It is said that Zeus defeated the Titans with his thunderbolts and from the ashes and blood of the Titans, mankind was born. Those Titans that survived were bound and imprisoned in Tartatus.

Titans in modern time has been used in great strength and size of certain objects - things to 'titanic' proportion. The most recognisable symbol of the titans is a man bearing/holding the world upon his shoulders.
The word Titan is associated with large objects such the Titanic, the giant predatory bird Titanis Walleri.
Titan has influenced the science world as well with the element Titanium.
Most of Saturns Moons are named after Titans.

Evidence of the Titans in modern day scenario is visible in alot of sports: NFL's Tennessee Titans, Gold Coast Titans and the Torrington Titans.
Also in fiction Titans have played a strong influence in todays times. The fiction/adventure novel 'Percy Jackson & the Olympians has Titans appearing regularly in the story line. Comic & Cartoon Industry has multiple comics on the Titans as individuals or even as its own new image 'Teen Titans' (DC) and cartoon series 'Class of the Titans' (Studio B & Nelvana Productions).

List of Sports Titans could be associated with:

  • Football
  • Rugby
  • Basketball


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